Booking Early for the New Year: How and Why to Get a Jump on 2024 Events

Now that you’re back from vacation and ready to get started with the new year and the tasks ahead, you’re thinking about what events and fundraisers your business will be hosting this year. Many businesses are bringing back events they used to host prior to the pandemic, and ramping up again. 

Yet even though you’re thinking about it now, you may not start any of the planning tasks until later in the year. Here’s why it’s a good idea to get started right away.

Production Companies Are Booked

The vendors you need to hire for your event may already have popular dates booked on their calendars. Squeezing in another one will be difficult for them. That will mean either you have to choose a date that doesn’t as well for your guests or you will have to go with sub-par vendors.

Waiting Is Costly

If you are able to find vendors who will take on the event, they may already have events on the calendar. That means they will charge a premium because they will be working overtime.

By booking early you may even be able to take advantage of 2023 pricing before businesses schedule a price increase. DPM Events is no different. Our price increase is scheduled for March 1. We have not raised prices since 2016. If you book early, we guarantee those 2016 prices, and other vendors may do the same.


As you ramp up for your event, others will get excited about it. When you start early, you can recruit help, volunteers, and extra extra hands.

No matter the reason, getting started early with event planning is the key to success. Let DPM Events get you a free quote for your creative tech needs. We’d love to work with you to make your event a success.

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